Joanna Walsh, aka ‘Baudade’ (“a person given to idle observation of everything with wonder or astonishment; a credulous or gossipy idler”) is an award-winning illustrator whose work has appeared in the Guardian, the Times, the Telegraph, the Independent, the Economist, Die Woche, the New York Times, World of Interiors and the Wall Street Journal. Artist-in-residence at this year’s festival, she’ll be capturing the magic of Port Eliot on paper as it unfolds…
Joanna has been guest editor at design site www.coudal.com and organised events ranging from exhibitions for The Wellcome Trust to Opium Magazine’s Literary Death Match Oxford. She is currently Paris editor at www.stylebible.com and designer-in-residence at legendary Paris bookshop, Shakespeare & Company. She teaches at The School of Life (www.theschooloflife.com) in Bloomsbury and is working on a book about London for the Tate.