Next year’s festival dates: 21st to 24th July 2011


From the windows of my study I look across acres of verdant parkland where I can see only a single person, a shepherd with two dogs and 400 sheep. Normally not even he is there. Once a year on the last weekend in July from the same window I see thousands and thousands of festival goers. Both sights are equally rewarding. The first affords a single person with something approaching the view from heaven; the other shows a myriad of festival folk receiving an equal pleasure from the same spot.

We cater to the high and the low brow and those with no brow at all, and uniquely have managed to bring the craic of a music festival to a literary event. Next year’s festival will be our eighth. We don’t aim at becoming any bigger - only better and better. It is very gratifying to us that so many festival goers return year after year.

Our Early Bird tickets, released today, are our way of saying thank you for your continued support - priced at £110 (adult) and £55 (child) they’re your chance to save £30 on the standard Weekend Ticket (including tent camping). We are limiting this offer to the first 1,000 tickets, which are being sold on a strictly first come, first served basis.

Click here to buy yours now.

By purchasing an Early Bird ticket you will automatically become a FRIEND OF PORT ELIOT FESTIVAL which will entitle you to a gold wristband on arrival and various related benefits (more details to be revealed shortly).

Looking forward to seeing you all next summer.


Peregrine St Germans

“A festival of ideas… Let’s hear it for books!”

– Jarvis Cocker, broadcasting live for BBC 6Music at Port Eliot Festival 2010

You can browse the 2010 photo gallery here.

Browse the Performers pages from the 2010 festival

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“Hipper than Hay.”

Condé Nast Traveller

“All the brains of a literary festival. All the soul of a music festival.”

The Times


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